Become Who you are in TWO STEPS. Unleash your freedom.

Real Raw Rachael
4 min readJan 19, 2021


The 2 Steps Proven to Set You Free to Be Who You Are

For years I dreamed and desired to be authentic. For some reason, the word “authentic” felt like an achievement I had to aim for.

But what does being authentic really mean?

In my experience, authenticity is a daily practice of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be and embracing who we really are.

Sounds easy enough, right?

Well, it was not an easy task for me. I could not let go of what people thought I was, should be, act like, be like, talk like, etc. It’s like I was programmed to give too many fucks about what people thought of me. Come to find out, THAT is what held me back from being authentic, finding my truth and stepping into my freedom.

Have you ever spent less time focusing on the inside of yourself, and more focused on looking on the outside of yourself? Have you spent more time in the mirror, and less time on the mirror of your soul? Me too. We can thank society for this.

From birth, we are pure, precious souls with endless and abundant gifts, yet society rips these precious gifts from us to adapt and fit in with the norms, ideas, beliefs, and values that have evolved throughout time. Adapt to fit in with everyone and everything, and by drinking that Kool-Aid and adapting for others, we have essentially walked away from any authenticity that we were born with.

37 Years of Giving Too Many Fucks

My mom is a piece of gold, she really is- but through the years of being her side kick, making choices (because I became her partner at the age of four), and modeling her behaviors, I became a total people pleaser.

I wanted to be liked- a lot!

I wanted to fit in-

I wanted to belong and I did it in the most un-authentic way possible. I molded myself into what society told me to be, what my family told me to be, and what my friends ultimately wanted/needed me to be.

If this is resonating with you, right now today, what would you do to not give so many fucks. What are you trying to prove to others? What are you trying to protect from being seen?

Mastering Self-Love

August 2017 changed the trajectory of my life. It was August 21st to be specific, the “great American eclipse”.

I did not realize this day would be so life altering, but it was the day I decided (without really knowing) to put myself first. I was unhappy, out of touch with what I wanted, and overweight.

I had been overweight all my life, but I was fucking tired of being tired. I was tired of the way my stomach jiggled and wobbled when I got into bed, I was tired of not having enough energy (working 40-hour work weeks and raising a four-year-old), I was tired of the GUILT and SHAME I created in my own head and had carried on with me for so many fucking years.

After learning about my body, listening to what it needs, what it does not need, I became confident on who I was on the outside.

But it was time to focus and listen to what I needed and did not need on the inside. I became bitter, resentful and my cup had overflowed.

I took a very powerful leap and left my secure corporate/government job. I had realized I was so fucking tired of working someone else’s mission, or dream, or purpose. I was ready to work on my own mission, dream, and purpose.

After I quit my job, I made a ton of space for myself. To learn about myself, to spend time with myself. To ask myself, what do I fucking want and what do I want to heal for myself so I can get exactly what I want and know I deserve for MY life.

I recognized the gifts I had and how I could make a living by doing this. I knew I had a gift for listening to others, walking alongside them, and holding space for them to let their guard down and become vulnerable.

I knew I had a gift for loving the “underdog” and always tried to see the best of people, and when that was hard to do, I saw where that person needed and longed for love.

These gifts, and others have given me the power, wisdom, and knowledge to be a transformational coach. Helping build that bridge for others, where they see the other side of the river and have no fucking idea how to get there.

Alongside of you, we will build those bricks one by one, building on foundation of self-love, self-awareness, self-respect, and a journey of self-discovery.

Need some more self-love in your life? Here are some simple tips. Try journaling for seven consecutive days (I have something for you at the end of this article).

Here is my gift to you-

A free PDF download for intuitive journaling. A full week of daily guidance to get clear on what you want so you can communicate and be confident. This is the first step to you becoming your authentic self. Download your free pdf here.



Real Raw Rachael
Real Raw Rachael

Written by Real Raw Rachael

A lover of water, self-discovery, living deep and real. Finding my path and forging forward.

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