Finding, Forging the Path to Freedom
When I have felt the world crumble around me, I find solace in seeing how strong I really am.
When I am triggered into feeling bad emotions and feelings, I find solace in reframing my thoughts and knowing I am safe.
When I am sad and alone, I find solace in knowing that it’s a moment in time and I can be with myself and find comfort in loving myself, by myself.
When I am conflicted in my thoughts, I find solace in knowing I can silent them down and let them know that they are past stories I told myself.
When I am questioning my choices and existence in where I am at, I find solace in knowing that source (self/God) redirects me into feeling that I am exactly where I need to be, and it is all, right on time.
When I am in a low place and feel like I can’t navigate myself back to sanity, I find solace in knowing that it is a moment in time and that I have the strength and power to navigate myself back to good feeling thoughts.
When I am stuck in fear, fear of the unknown, fear of disappointing someone or myself, I find solace in knowing that I will have these moments often in my life and that I can make a choice to believe the fear, or to move forward in knowing that I am love.
When I am making choices for myself. When I am accepting myself. When I am seeing the abundance versa the lack. When I am seeing the beauty in me. When I am honoring myself. When I am listening to myself. When I am loving myself.
When. The question is when? The moment is now. The time is now. The gift of life is now.
I will choose to continue good feeling thoughts. I will choose myself first. I will choose the gift of life. I will choose to honor myself and know that by being with myself, I am loving myself.
When I am free to be who I have always intended to be. When I am no longer standing on the shorelines wanting to swim freely, I am choosing myself. And when I choose myself, I choose love and freedom.
The two things I ultimately want in my life. Choosing me, equals love and freedom.
My question to you today- what do you want to choose to set yourself free? Free from guilt, disappointment, where are you stuck? Contact me to chat about the path to setting yourself free. I’d love nothing more than to walk along the path with you.
Shoot me an email for a free discovery call-