Why Teaching in the Water is so Humbling...
There is something so humbling and refreshing about the line of work I am in. To meet someone in the water. An adult who is there, facing their own fears with me, one on one.
I am the vessel to them facing their fears and they are their own ship. Navigating. They, the students, have all the answers inside of them. And it is my duty as the vessel to help pull those answers to them, so they can find the freedom they are looking for.
As a certified lifeguard and swim instructor, I have the opportunity and privilege to meet my clients/students right exactly where they are at that point during the day. It ignites the fire within me. It motivates me and inspires me in a way, in a service way that fulfills my soul.
I absolutely love meeting each student I meet. Whether it be a kid, or an adult, I love giving them the opportunity to learn to swim. To help them build blocks in the water, slowly, so they can give themselves the freedom to learn, to grow and for them to experience what the water is capable of doing for their mind, body and spirit.
It is the ultimate gift to watch someone learn something, overcome something. It is the ultimate gift that the student gives to themselves when they overcome something they have been wanting for so long. To face a fear of swimming, or of water. Whether they have trauma from the water, or whether they have been wanting to swim for all of those missed years, and finally realize they have all of it within themselves- the gift they give to themselves is the most powerful gift to witness.
Again, teaching by far has been the most humbling career I have ever had. And to teach in the water, my scared place, my happy place, has been the upmost best decision (career wise) I have ever made.
Once I left my comfy (money wise), exhausting, draining corporate America human resources job that I gave fifteen years of my life to after college- I decided I was no longer happy serving others in this capacity. It was not what my soul was wanting to do any longer.
And after I had decided to leave human resources and corporate America, I searched out a certification in life coaching. After I became certified, I had to decide on a “niche” of clientele. I did some coaching, mainly with women my age that were stuck and I did enjoy what I was doing. However, I was stuck in my own mind of not feeling like this is what my niche was.
Then I found a position that was introduced to me as “Life Coach/Swim Instructor” and I applied. I went through a lot of training, modules, coaching from a wonderful mentor who taught me to slow down and to be present with myself and the water.
After almost a year of working for this organization, we reorganized, and I was able to go out on my own and bring my coaching business to the water as a self-employed person.
Accepting the water, accepting myself and accepting what I can do with others in the water has been one of the best and most humbling experiences in my life.
And amidst losing myself during divorce, being silenced by my ex-husband, I rediscovered who I was. Who I am, and who I have always been. Through coaching others, planting seeds in their life of love, pure encouragement, making space and holding space for them- I have also done so for me.
The water is non-judgmental. It is pure. It holds healing energy. It is the source of life.
And to submerge yourself in. To trust yourself in it is so healing. And so nurturing. Find who you are and learn to trust yourself, find your confidence in the water.